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Showing posts from January, 2007


COUNT may be used in SQL to check if a record exists like for an example IF(SELECT COUNT(CUSTOMER_ID) FROM TBL_CUSTOMER WHERE CUSTOMER_ID = 100) = 0 BEGIN /* LOGIC */ END BUT using the keyword EXISTS gives better performance THEN COUNT() IF EXISTS(SELECT CUSTOMER_ID FROM TBL_CUSTOMER WHERE CUSTOMER_ID = 100) BEGIN /* LOGIC */ END If in case the row count is needed @@ROWCOUNT can be used and also if only the first record is needed the TOP KEYWORD can be used SELECT TOP 1 * FROM TBL_CUSTOMER

One more left in the CRM Reporting team

Samith left the company yesterday, to go abroad for his MIT. The CRM Reporting team started with Hashan, Crisanth and Samith , later joined by me in the mid of September.Crisanth left  the company in October and Hashan left in December and now Samith. Reporting was a tough module, it was the first time anyone of us has done queries on a Data warehouse via MDX, we lacked experince in this area but quickly got used to it and deliverd the module (was accepted by the clients). Working with this team was lot of fun and experince has I learnt a lot from them.      

Assor's wedding

Yeaterday was a day of fun, I headed out to kandy with my collegues at Parangon (the place where I used to work prior joining Virtusa) to attend the wedding of Asoor( another collegue at Paragon). Everyone was present except Kasun and Chaturanga. We had a great deel of fun, talking about all the nuttiest and gross things in the world. As usual Fahim got hooked to himself after I threw a joke at him and he did not change his mood for the rest of the day.  Well Assor was in a good mood, he had his lunch with us ad alos said that 2 weeks of holiday after the wedding was not much to enjoy, Fizan too called for UK and had a chance to talk with all of us. Manjula’s secret came out as well. We had tea at Rafi’s (Paragon’s Managing director) place in kandy with a piece of cake. Alltogether the day was owesome. Thanks to Paragon.  

ASP.NEt 2.0 Viewstate and good practices

View state is one of the most important features of ASP.NET because it enables stateful programming over a stateless protocol such as HTTP. Used without strict criteria, though, the view state can easily become a burden for pages. Since view state is packed with the page, it increases size of HTTP response and request. Fortunately the overall size of the __VIEWSTATE hidden field (in ASP.NET 2.0) in most cases is as small as half the size of the corresponding field in ASP.NET 1.x. The content of the _VIEWSTATE field (in client side) represent the state of the page when it was last processed on the server. Although sent to the client, the view state doesn't contain any information that should be consumed by the client. In ASP.NET 1.x, if you disable view state of controls, some of them are unable to raise events hence control become unusable. When we bind data to a grid, server encodes and put whole grid in to view state, which will increase size of view state (proportional to the...

Nice way to start my blog

Woo what a nice way to start the blog. Today we received the acceptance for our project from the clients. This project was on the customer relation management domain, I was working on the data warehousing module, and after a long struggle, all went well