It’s another month to go !. Ye, I am talking about my project; I was working on the security, task scheduling and logging component of an ETL application. It’s been 1+ years since I started on this project, it’s based on a J2ee backend, and .Net 1.1 front end. At first I did not like the project as it was being developed in .Net 1.1, but as it went on I learnt many things especially on designing, globalization techniques and most off all managing customer communication. I was also exposed to working with several teams (as we were handling the common service), and this proved to be very challenging and useful when it came to different viewpoint and opinions. I did not learn any new technologies in this project but I did learn most of the things that I might be able to carry forward in other projects in the future. Yesterday, the clients officially announced that project is getting closed down, and probably it would stay until the end of March. Well, I know what I am going to really miss...